Monday, August 4, 2008


so, the new ikea 2009 catalog comes out soon, or is out now, i can't tell. but at any rate, i'm flipping out and can't wait to get my copy/copies. i had about 3 copies of the 2007, and 2 copies of '08. one was completely torn apart with the cover falling off and almost every page dog-eared. i eventually had to break down and recycle it. i have a not so beat up second copy tucked in with my decorating magazines.

i want the '09, like, now. omg. :D


Kerry Ball said...

i'm sure it's out because i got a copy in with my sunday paper this weekend! there is also a $10,000 ikea shopping spree contest going on right now!!

teh bobbi said...

I've never been to an Ikea... :(